
Showing posts from June, 2019

Tooth Fillings

Tooth fillings are the various ways of  replace  or repair of part of tooth structure. Tooth fillings are called dental restorations. Teeth can be filled with different  types of materials like glass ionomer cement, composite resins, gold, tooth fillings and many more . At Urja Multispeciality  Clinic Dental Chandigarh, we done all type of toothfillings by using latest techmques and best quality materials in afforadable prices. All tooth fillings done by best dentists who are fully experienced. Visit best dental clinic in Chandigarh for best tooth fillings.     Website :- Call/ Whatsapp _ + 91-8699969619 (India) Address:- Phase 3B2, sec-60 , Mohali ( near Indus Hospital )  #tooth-fillings #bestdentists #bestdentalclinic

Family Dentistry

If you wanted complete best dental care for  the entire family , then must  visit  Urja Multispeciality   Dental Clinic   Chandigarh. Our clinic  is led  by a devoted  team   that is caring & professional  . We are very proud  of providing  a relaxing calming  and caring ambience  for   our patients  with the help of best dentists.              If you wanted  complete best dental care for the entire family ,then must visit Urja Multispeciality Dental Clinic , Chandigarh . Our clinic is led by  a  devoted team  that is caring & professional which  provide  you  best dental  care for family dentistry. we  using state of the art technology for patient 's best dental and also will best dentists  who are will qualified . Recent research servery revealing that best dental care is very important for overall well being . Urja Multispeciality Dental Clinic  is dedicated to achieving that goal with  the help of best dentists.  Further ,we will also  take the time submit  yo

Dental Implant

   If you are missing a tooth  or multiple teeth and decided that dentures  or bridge work just are not for you .Then  dental  implant surgery  is a great, long  lasting  alternative that can dramatically improve  your smile  &  increase the quality of your daily life .        Many people are afraid  of dental implant  surgery because  they think  it  is a complex, painful  operation ,however  the opposite is true .It is a relatively straight  forward  procedure  with  many benefits. At Urja Multispeciality  Dental Clinic Chandigarh,  Our specialists  firstly  consult with you and  organised  your  treatment plan  according  to your  health & bone  conditions. For more details visit Urja Multispeciality Dental Clinic,Chandigarh. Website Call/Whatsapp: +91-8699969619 Address :- Phase3b2, Sector60, near Indus Hospital, Mohali #dentalimplant #bestdentalimplantinindia # dentistnearme #cosmaticdentistry #bestdentist

Perfect Smile

Get a perfect  smile  after visiting Urja Multispeciality Dental Clinic  Chandigarh .  We can  enhance your smile with variety of techniques cosmetic dentistry including ,venners, braces teeth whitening , ceramic , crown ,white or tooth colored fillings and many more .Our dentists are highly skilled at creating natural looking smiles which enhance your overall beauty we us the latest smile design your new smile design technology and software to digitally design your new smile. A young look smile looks different from are older smile. A youthful  smile appears whiter, smother , with little color variation, translucency  in the incisal  tip area showing developmental mammelons. Website: Call/ Whtsapp: +91-8699969619 Address: sss bay shop no.74, Urja Multispeciality Dental Clinic, Phase3B2, Sector60, Mohali #teethwhiening #toothcoloredfillings  #cosmetiodentistry #dentistnearbyme #bestdentist

Best Child Dentistry

Children begin to get their baby teeth during the first six month of life .By the age 6 or 7 ,they start to loose their first set of teeth,which eventually replaced by permanent teeth without proper dental care milky teeth starts decayed. .According to American research ,early childhood dental caries area five times more common in children than asthma and hay fever ,which directly leads to jeopardize  effects on health . Get your child best treatment with dentists at Urja Multispeciality Dental Clinic Chandigarh . we used latest technical instruments which helps to do the painless procedure. Call/ Whatsapp : +91-8699969619 #familydentistry #bestdentalclinic #bestdentists #cosmeticdentistry 


                       Is snoring for you ?                                    If you suffers  from snoring  the visit  Urja Multispeciality Dental Clinic    Chandigarh . We gives you  anti -snoring  appliance and  it  will  non  surgical  treatment .After  using  anti snoring appliance . You  and yours  family  will take  good  sleep at night .          Snoring  is  a hoarse or harsh  sound  sound  from nose  or mouth that oceurs. When breathing is partially obstructed while sleeping .                                                            Ask us more  about  anti snoring  appliances . Visit our website .                #bestdentalclinic #bestdentist #dentistnearme #bestdentistmohali #familydentistry .                              Website :----            Call us on +91-8699969619

Mouth Cleaning at Dental Clinic

Teeth cleaning is a process in which  dentist removes dental plaque  from teeth surfaces which  prevents  the teeth from  dental  caries , gingivits  and other  gum diseases.       However , people routinely  clean their  own teeth with the help of brush , but brushing daily cannot remove  hardened deposits,that is why ,teeth cleaning prom dentist  is necessary.Moreover  in recent  research survey reveals that hard deposits  are  elevate the risk of heart diceases . .  At  Urja Multispeciality Dental Clinic, Chandigarh, professional  teeth cleaning includes tooth scaling and tooth polishing with the help of ultrasonic  scalers.  We  recommend   tooth cleaning to our patients  after every 6-8 months.  Therefore, It helps  the patient to prevent from dental caries , bad breath and other gum disease . we also explain  the other teeth cleaning tips such as correct  brushing and floss method after cleaning the teeth. If u want to know more about mouth cleaning tips, visit Urja Multispe


        Impaction refers to a failure of a tooth to emerge into the dental arch usually due to either space deficiencies or  presence of an  entity blocking its path of eruption.         The wisdom teeth (third molars)  are frequently  impacted  followed  by canines.            Generally all impacted teeth must be removed  otherwise that teeth affects the whole arch alignment. Mostly impacted tooth remove by surgical techniques under local anaesthesia  but in rare cases  simple extractions are also possible .                  At Urja  Multispeciality Dental  Clinic Chandigarh,           Dental Surgeons  extract  your teeth from oral cavity without pain   with  the help of latest  techniques.       You get the best treatment only at URJA MULTISPECIALITY DENTAL CLINIC, Chandigarh  in  affordable price. Website : Ph no. : +91-8699969619 #bestdentistnearme #emergencydentalclinic #toothfilling #dentalcarenearme #dentist


Urja Multispeciality Dental Clinic is one of the best  cosmetic dental clinic our specialized team  of Doctors works for cosmetic dentistry.              We have experienced    dentist  who will check the case  .Diseases the case with other team member and suggest you  the Best Treatment Possible  for you .      Cosmetic Dentistry  is now in trend .As people  are more  conscious  how they  look  while  smiling  and Urja Multispeciality Dental Clinic  is the Best Dental Clinic Near you which serves best dental treatment . For more cosmetic  dentistry details and to have  beautiful smile do visit  Urja  Multispeciality Dental Clinic . #cosmeticdentistry  #dentalnearme #dentist #toothfilling #dentalcare  website:- :- +91-8699969619


Are you suffering dental pain?  If you want permanent relief form  dental  pain  , must  visit  Urja Multispeciality Dental  Clinic Chandigarh  there team  of specialist work who provides best treatment  possibilities  according to your problem.  Moreover all dental equipment .Which are  used during treatment are sterilized  and also used latest techniques of treatment .Thus patient feels more comfortable and satisfaction. Call/whatsapp:- + 91-7889093147(India)                :- 12049967127


 Bleeding   gums also called  Bleeding  on probing .It can be due to  excessive  amount  of  plaque in your mouth . Because  of presences of plaque , gums  becomes inflamed, irritated which  bleeds  easily , even  the time of brushing .          It is  important  to know  that there is a window  of the time  when  you can  still   reverse  the germ infection . The cure  is as  simple  as improving  your oral  hyigene .  To know  more then  visit  Urja Multispeciality Dental Clinic , Chandigarh .  Here ,number  of  specialists work  and give  the  best  solution.  Get the   Healthy  Gums  with  us .  Website :-  Call/whatsapp:- +91-8699969619 #bestdentalclinic #bestdentist #dentistnearme #bestdentistmohali #familydentistry www,


Are you suffering  form  severe Dental Pain? You  have severely decayed tooth in  your  oral cavity ?            Urja Multispeciality Dental Clinic  is emergency  dental clinic    near you .       We have a team  of  specialists who deal with all kids of cases  and gives you  a specialists  advice .     If you have severe  Dental Pain visit emergency   Dental clinic  i.e , Urja Multispeciality  Dental Clinic and get releive  from your pain by specialists  instantly ,and save your own tooth .  Ever if you have  severly  decayed  tooth in your oral  cavity . No need  to go for  extraction   as the  dentist  working  in Urja Multispeciality  will  provide your with  all the  treatment  possibilities  to save your  own tooth .  If you get  the chance  to  to save your own body part  then must go for  saving  the part  instead   of  getting it  removed  and replaced  it  by and any kind of  Prosthesis .  Urja Multispeciality  Dental Clinic    dentist  are here to help  yo


Are you troubling with sensitive teeth?  Tooth sensitivity is caused  by the gradual exposure of the inner part  of your tooth called Dentin  which is usually  covered by the tooth enamel (upper part of tooth)  and gums .  Dentin is  connected to the never that triggers pain in sensitive  teeth. Nowadays, tooth sensitivity is a  common  dental  problem that can develop   over  time typically as  a result  of gum recession or enamel  wear.If  you want to know the best solution of sensitivity  must visit Urja Multispeciality Dental Clinic  Chandigarh.  For more details: website: Call/ whatsapp :+91-869969619 (India) #bestdentistnearme #emergencydentalclinic #toothfilling #dentalcarenearme #dentalcare 

Dental Implants

Do you want to replace your dentures due to the some difficulties like slips off from mouth while eating,talking or any other reason? Then, implants are the best option. Implants are the devices that replace the roots of missing teeth. They are used to support crowns, bridges, or dentures and surgically placed in patient's jaw bone. Moreover, Implants are more secure than other methods of replacing  missing teeth such as dentures. When dental implants are placed in patient's jaw bone , they get adapted with patient's natural bone. Modern  dental implants have been used successfully for over 30 years. They are  the strongest  devices available to support teeth functionally to look and feel better like you are having your own teeth . After an initial consultation Urja Multispeciality Dental Clinic will provide you with a treatment plan. Overall treatment depends upon the patient's medical history, jaw bone conditions, materials and techniques that are used while in


                                                                                                                                                                                          Do Your Tooth  have that black pigmentation  over the Surface ?     Or Food you eat  just starts getting stuck in between  your teeth? That surely  means,  your  teeth is decayed that is; having a cavity where number of Bacteria's  resides in a Colony. .        Now we have two options through which  we can save your tooth.      All depends upon the area covered by bacterial colony in your tooth .                  As  we all are familiar with the things that  nerves do travel  inside our every  single tooth with the help of which one can get all the sensations.                            If the bacterial colony is far away from the pulp or the nerves of the tooth ,then it is a good news as your will be saved  by Restoration only , but if the bacterial colony is very much  nearer to the p