Dental Implants

Do you want to replace your dentures due to the some difficulties like slips off from mouth while eating,talking or any other reason?
Then, implants are the best option. Implants are the devices that replace the roots of missing teeth. They are used to support crowns, bridges, or dentures and surgically placed in patient's jaw bone.
Moreover, Implants are more secure than other methods of replacing  missing teeth such as dentures.

When dental implants are placed in patient's jaw bone , they get adapted with patient's natural bone.
Modern  dental implants have been used successfully for over 30 years. They are  the strongest  devices available to support teeth functionally to look and feel better like you are having your own teeth .
After an initial consultation Urja Multispeciality Dental Clinic will provide you with a treatment plan. Overall treatment depends upon the patient's medical history, jaw bone conditions, materials and techniques that are used while in treatment.

At Urja Multispeciality Dental Clinic, Chandigarh implant procedure performed by the experienced and epitome dentist. It is the most safest and predictable procedure in dentistry.


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