Dental caries means permanently damaged area in teeth that develop into tiny holes. Dental caries starts due to the presence of bacteria, sipping, energy drinks and poor teeth cleaning. Untreated cavities can cause toothache, infection and tooth loss.
 Dental caries treatment totally depends on the severity of dental caries. Treatments include fluoride, fillings and crown. Severe cases in which dental caries reached upto pulp treated with root canal treatment or extraction.
At Urja Multispeciality Dental Clinic we treated the case of dental caries on daily basis and gives the treatment according to severity of dental caries with the help of best dentists. We also advise the self best dental care tips like keeping the mouth clean regularly, brushing teeth, flossing and using mouthwash. Apart from this, advise the fluoride i.e. a mineral that helps prevents tooth decay by making tooth enamel stronger. We feel proud by providing relaxing and calming behavior alongside best dental care.
Address:SSS bay shop-74,Phase-3B2,Mohali( Indus hospital)


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